Because He Lives

“BECAUSE HE LIVES” “Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone

Therefore, having been justified by faith

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”     ROMANS 5:1 What is greater than God, worse

J.H.C. Whitehead

Greetings in JESUS, J.H.C. Whitehead was a math professor at Oxford University. He was so deep that he’d often confuse the students who studied him.

Buried Treasure

“BURIED TREASURE” MATTHEW 6:21 Greetings in JESUS, The absolute most exciting thing about Tithing, for me, is knowing that I’m pleasing God! That’s a real-time blessing.

When I.S.I.S. Began Their Quest…

Greetings in JESUS, When I.S.I.S. began their quest to proclaim a “caliphate” most Americans and Westerners had no idea what they were talking about!?!? Even

When he was accused of murder…

Greetings in JESUS, When he was accused of murder, he did not deny his guilt! Instead, he sat fuming, angry, mad in his cell trying

The Jesus Life It’s The Real Thing

“THE ‘JESUS’ LIFE” “IT’S THE REAL THING” Romans 2:1-16 Greetings in JESUS, Bass Reeves was one of America’s first lawmen of African descent. His amazing

Rebels Without A Cause

“REBELS WITHOUT A CAUSE” ROMANS 1:24-2:10 Greetings in JESUS, Change thinks, challenges, Change evaluates, Change speaks up, Change works. Whenever a society, a country, a

Today we look at ROMANS 1&2. There we see the basis for all law…

Greetings in JESUS, He had sat in a dark, dank jail cell for four long days and nights with barely enough to eat. Did he

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