(909) 356-5683
17977 Merrill Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335
It’s Time To Take Back What The Devil Took!
By Chuck Singleton Sr. One of the most fearful things in the Old Testament, was a swarm of Locusts! They would come in like a
Back From The Brink
By Hugh Hairston Things had gotten really bad… REALLY BAD for our friend and fellow Loveland member, Jean Barefield. Her rheumatoid arthritis had degenerated to
Who Stopped The Party?
by Robert C. Smith God invented the party. It was how we were supposed to worship Him! But somewhere along the way, the celebration got
It’s All About Happy Endings
“We all start where we start. Not a step farther ahead or behind. And we can’t spend our time worrying and complaining about WHY we