(909) 356-5683
17977 Merrill Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335
Loveland’s Ministry Award Banquet Sunday December 14
We have some wonderful hard working volunteers in our church. They teach Sunday School, Home Bible Studies, Step classes and Bible Study. They usher, are seating hostesses, serve as Deacons, Deaconesses & elders.
They serve in children’s church, in the nursery, on the bereavement committee, women’s ministry, or God’s Woman Conferences. They sing on the praise team or in the choir or take photographs. All these and more are part of the team God has given to make our church effective so our members can grow in Jesus and go to the world with the message of His salvation that is free to all!!
On Sunday evening, December 14 we will have the opportunity to say thank you to some of these for their sacrificial service to Loveland at our annual Christmas Extravaganza. Besides great entertainment, and delicious food, we will again host our Loveland Awards ceremony. On the first Sunday you will have the opportunity to submit the names of three people you feel deserve to be recognized for their Godly service. From these we will also recognize some with our Silent Servant Awards. This is a member who goes above and beyond their duty and receives no monetary pay.
We need people to serve on the Christmas Extravaganza Committee!!! Because our event is on Sunday this year we will have only 4 hours to completely transform our café.
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